Database of the Documentation Centre of the European Sacred Mounts, Calvaries and Devotional Complexes
The database is the fruit of research conducted by the Documentation Centre on over 1,800 European devotional complexes.
For each devotional complex, four basic items have been planned: a description, a map, photographs and a bibliography.
Some files are incomplete and in the process of being updated.
At this time, the reports on the sites in the following countries can be consulted: Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Luxemburg, Holland, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Spain, Hungary and Switzerland.
Country: {{item.catNazione}}
Typology: {{item.catTipologia}}
Type of use: {{item.catFruizione}}
Artistic typology and materials: {{item.catMateriali}}
Relationship with vegetation: {{item.catVegetazione}}
Environmental context: {{item.catAmbiente}}
See in detailTotal pages: {{ totalPages }}