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La via dei Piloni

Modesto Paroletti (1767-1834) in Description of the most distinguished Piedmont Sanctuaries for antiquity. Turin, Reycend, 1822

Between 1877 and 1880 important maintenance and rectification works affected the ancient mule track between the Sanctuary and the town of Valperg, to allow easier access to pilgrims heading to the Shrine. The renewed track, for large part on Count Cesare Valperga of Masino properties, was promoted by the guardian father Leovigildo Chiaraviglio. From Hamlet of Trucchi until reaching the Sanctuary, Tabernacles (in the form of votive niche) were built on the upstream side of the track. These Tabernacles represent the 15 mysteries of Rosary and have been positioned at regular intervals to facilitate the oration of prayers: from 1st to 5th the Joyful Mysteries, from6th to 10th the Painful Mysteries, from 11th to 15th the Glorious Mysteries. Halfway the Chapel of Samaritan woman was built with inside two life-size scagliona statues: Jesus seated in the well of Sechem and the Samaritan woman with the jug. The chapel was partially modified with decorative motifs in cement of late liberty taste to celebrate the construction in 1935 of the Valperga’s municipal aqueduct. The votive niches of considerable size were frescoed by talented painters including Francesco Gautier of Saluzzo (1833-1897). They were built with the contribution of Canavese religious and personalities from the ecclesiastical world of Turin that were placed under the patronage of wealthy local families with the commitment to deal with periodical maintenance works. In 1926, the original frescoes were re-painted by the brothers Baracchini of Turin. After a long period of decay, in the votive niches and frescoes important conservative restoration works have recently been carried out by the Management Body of the Sacred Mounts, under the aegis of the Superintendence for Historical and Architectural Heritage and for the Landscape of Piedmont and with the contribution of the CRT Foundation, the Canavese Group Onlus Association and the Weber Saint-Gobain group.

P - Hamlet of Trucchi Car Parking
C – Chapel of Samaritan woman

1st: Annunciation
2nd: Visitation
3rd: Birth of Jesus Christ
4th: Presentation to the temple
5th: Dispute

6th: Adoration at the garden
7th: Scourging
8th: Thorns' coronation
9th: Climbing to the Calvary
10th: Crucifixion

11th: Resurrection of Jesus Christ
12th: Ascension of Jesus Christ
13th: Descent of the Holy Spirit
14th: Assumption of the Virgin Mary
15th: Coronation of the Virgin Mary


Votive kiosk on the devotional path towards to the Sanctuary of Belmonte

Litography of Godefroy Engelmann (1788-1839). “Le monastère
de Belmonte en Piémont” in Souvenirs pittoresques de Backer
d’Albe, Parigi, 1818


Modesto Paroletti (1767-1834) in Descrizione dei Santuari del Piemonte più distinti per l’antichità. Torino, Reycend,1822


Pilone votivo lungo il percorso devozionale verso il Santuario di Belmonte


Litografia di Godefroy Engelmann (1788-1839). “Le monastère de Belmonte en Piémont” in Souvenirs pittoresques de Backer d’Albe, Parigi, 1818



Progetto architettonico: Studio associato FFWD Architettura/ arch. Antonio Cinotto, arch. Mariangela Angelico
Studio grafico: DSweb lab /Davide Aletti

Sacri Monti Educational

Visita Sacri Monti Educational

Questo portale è un progetto finanziato a valere sui fondi della Legge 20 febbraio 2006, n. 77
Misure speciali di tutela e fruizione dei siti italiani di interesse culturale, paesaggistico e ambientale inseriti nella lista del patrimonio mondiale posti sotto la tutela dell'UNESCO
This work was carried out with funds made available under Law 77 of 20 February 2006

Progetto Interreg "MAIN10ANCE" ID 473472

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