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Chapel 23 - The Arrest of Jesus

It illustrates the scene of Jesus being arrested at night while Peter cuts the ear of Malco with a knife and the apostles run away.   An ancient chapel dedicated to the Arrest of Jesus already existed in 1514. A subsequent votive chapel was financed by the Marquis del Vasto, the Spanish governor in Milan, with wooden statues made by a Lombard artists between 1540 and 1545.  
This third chapel was built inside the Pilate Palace at the beginning of the seventeenth century at the behest of Bishop Bascapè and was set up with statues partly recovered from previous mysteries and partly specifically made. Eight sixteenth-century wooden statues came from the ancient chapel of the Capture, two others, also in wood, of the mid sixteenth century, placed on the bottom, were part of the of the group of the Crowning with Thorns (about 1559).  The two figures in terracotta on the left are the statues of Adam and Eve made by Michele Prestinari for the chapel of Adam and Eve, which were not appreciated by the bishop and were reused here. Finally, five terracotta statues were specially made by Giovanni d'Enrico in the second decade of the seventeenth century. The frescoes were the work of Melchiorre d'Enrico, signed and dated 1619.


Sacri Monti Educational

Visita Sacri Monti Educational

Questo portale è un progetto finanziato a valere sui fondi della Legge 20 febbraio 2006, n. 77
Misure speciali di tutela e fruizione dei siti italiani di interesse culturale, paesaggistico e ambientale inseriti nella lista del patrimonio mondiale posti sotto la tutela dell'UNESCO
This work was carried out with funds made available under Law 77 of 20 February 2006

Progetto Interreg "MAIN10ANCE" ID 473472

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Progetto GAL TERRE DEL SESIA: PSR 2014-20, MISURA 7.6.4





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